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1.20.2020 Blog

SymphonyAI names Richard Hall Vice President Sales, ASEAN

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1.17.2020 Blog

Total Retail – Using AI to predict the unpredictable

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1.17.2020 Blog

How using artificial intelligence enabled Flagler Hospital to reduce clinical variation

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1.16.2020 Blog

ITIL 4 and cloud: the release management practice

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1.15.2020 White paper

Is your supply chain missing half the customer forecast?

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1.14.2020 Byline

Who Should Lead Automation-Driven Changes?

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1.7.2020 Blog

Path to Purchase IQ – Enhancing promotion effectiveness through collaboration

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1.7.2020 Blog

Enhancing Promotion Effectiveness Through Collaboration

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12.30.2019 Blog

Winsight Grocery Business – You’re overlooking half of your customer data

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12.30.2019 Blog

You’re Overlooking Half of Your Customer Data

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12.23.2019 Blog

Supply Chain Brain – Breaking the cycle of supply chain technology debt

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12.23.2019 Blog

Breaking the Cycle of Supply-Chain Technology Debt

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