Sensa Investigation Hub

Make SARs easy as ABC

Satisfy global regulatory requirements with a fully integrated disclosure solution

Generate report narratives with the Sensa Copilot

A detailed narrative of findings is instantly generated with all relevant information captured including anything bookmarked by the investigator.


Create personalized, auditable workflows

Meet data and report filing requirements in every jurisdiction where you operate including GoAML, FinCEN, FINTRAC, AUTRAC, and NCA.

Achieve end-to-end transparency

Align with internal processes, policies, and regulations to ensure improved consistency, superior explainability and defendable decision-making.

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Solution benefits

Subject-centric view of risk

Centralize and connect data from across your tech ecosystem for a truly holistic view.

Gen AI powered investigation

Sensa Copilot enables investigations to be up to 70% faster and more consistent.

Detection engine agnostic

Seamlessly integrate with any third-party detection system or data source.

Achieve total transparency

Completely auditable workflows and superior explainability ensure enhanced compliance