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12.21.2018 Blog

What does 2019 hold in store for service management?

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12.20.2018 Blog

SymphonyAI wins “Best use of AI in Retail” award

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12.18.2018 Blog

SymphonyAI named to Food Logistics’ 2018 FL100+ Top Software and Technology Providers

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12.11.2018 Blog

SymphonyAI named a recipient of Supply and Demand Chain Executive’s Green Supply Chain Awards

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12.11.2018 Blog

7 steps for a successful assisted reality pilot with smart glasses

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12.10.2018 Blog

Progressive Grocer – 2019 outlook: The year grocers bridge the digital and physical

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12.7.2018 Blog

Food Logistics 100+ (SymphonyAI on pg. 36)

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12.6.2018 Podcast

From wolf to compliance

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12.6.2018 Podcast

SARs: Sifting sand for gold

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12.4.2018 Blog

Store Brands – How to ‘soup’ up the fresh department

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11.30.2018 Blog

Chain Store Age – Grocery Retail 2019: Five predictions

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11.12.2018 Blog

RSR Research – Now The Focus Is On Fast-Moving-Consumer-Goods Retailers

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